This week we received a diagnoses no one ever wants to receive. Grandma found out she has breast cancer, and although the news was devastating, my Mother is the strongest, most resilient person I know and she will beat this! I can only hope Rylan grows up to be as tough as Grandma!

Teaching Pop how to keep a steady beat

First date night since Rylan came into the world! Thank you Auntie Laura and Uncle Brian

Bye Mom and Dad

This girl loves playing in water

Cuddle sesh


Jeggings make her look soooo big

There are many terrible things about cancer, the feeling of helplessness is up there. So as an act of support ALL the woman in my family dyed their hair pink for Grandma! It was the least we could do for someone who has loved and supported us ALL tirelessly....and we are tiring I'm sure!

Rylan insisted on coordinating with my new do

Another adorable outfit from Grandma

This girl is always willing to lend a hand