Friday, October 9, 2015

Welcome to the world Rylan Cecelia McCartney!

The day started off early by choice with breakfast at San Diego's oldest bar for those that were up for it. Sean and Papa even enjoyed a beer despite the fact it was 6am.
After breakfast we headed home for a few last minute chores and one final nap!

After everything was finalized at home we headed to the hospital around noon for check in and pre-surgery prep! It was starting to sinking in that our time as a family of two was rapidly coming to an end. While we prepared to meet our baby for the first time our support team hung out in the waiting room patiently awaiting updates.
At 2:47pm we welcomed our little girl into the world! She weighed 6 lbs 4.7 ounces and was 18 inches long. 
We thought she was absolutely perfect. 
Pop had the honor of changing the first diaper. Actually he changed the first 20 or so diapers since I couldn't get out of bed. He was the best care person in the whole world! Rylan and I are lucky girls!

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