Friday, December 11, 2015

9 weeks old

Rylan had her first set of shots this week and it was by far the most painful thing I've ever experienced. She was less than thrilled but recovered far more quickly than Mom.  She is now 11bs, 8 oz and 22in long. Dr. Kafka is very impressed with her weight gain!

The before picture 

The after 

All dressed up for a birthday lunch with Laura.  She was less than thrilled with the photo shoot.

She really is getting cuter by the day and she seems to know it.

She loves "talking" and will even let me flip through a cookbook as long as I read it out loud.

Hanging out with her favorite pup! 

Penny thought I laid the blanket out for her.


  1. Happy baby, happy mommy, happy life, especially for mommy's mom and dad. Rylan is a wonderful source of joy for a lot of people.
