Sunday, October 9, 2016

Happy First Birthday Rylan Cecelia!

"Oh, the Places You'll Go!

You're off to Great Places!  Today is your day!  Your mountain is waiting so... Get on your way!"

Friday, October 7, 2016

52 weeks

This week my sweet little baby is 52 weeks old but not yet a "year".  We started off our week in the normal fashion with outdoor play, brunch with friends, and canning olive with Nana, totally ignoring that fact that after this week we would have an energetic ONE YEAR OLD!

Now that she can walk, it is ALL she wants to do!

Our neighbor James was a very good sport, trying Rylan's soggy breakfast bar.

Its not even her birthday and the presents are already arriving!

Canning olive with Nana and Papa

Enjoying some sun in Aunt Shari's backyard while Nana slaves away in the kitchen

She is so proud of her accomplishment, her mother less so.

Passing time at music class while we wait for our family to arrive

Learning how to play dolls with Reese

Rylan just adores her big cousins

Prepping center pieces for the big party

We are ready to celebrate!!

Friday, September 30, 2016

51 weeks

This week we took a visit to Bate's Nut Farm to pick out Rylan's first pumpkin!  We had an amazing time perfecting our "walking" through the pumpkin patch.  Only in San Diego do you have to wear shorts to go pumpkin shopping.

Later in the week, Ry and I went to Seaworld with our friends Jenn and Gabby.  Rylan loved the fish and all the the water features. She is starting to look WAY too old as we rapidly approach the one year mark!

The orange gourds were way bigger than my little pumpkin

Conner was very happy to see Rylan

Besides the orange, its hard to tell we are pumpkin shopping

One of Sean's first "goals" when we learned we were going to have a baby, was to make pancakes with his little girl.  We are getting there!

Reading to her best friend

Helping Daddy water

Charging fearless into the FUN

We love our adventures with Jenn and Gabby

Goodbye September Baby, Hello October Toddler!

Friday, September 23, 2016

50 weeks

It is amazing the what a difference walking makes!  It has opened up a whole new world of dangerous situations to get into!  I'm going to need a multivitamin and a fourth cup of coffee for this.

I'm not sure that is the intended use of the chair

Helping Nana unpack!

She is such a good sleeper, in my bed.

Rylan and I ALWAYS use the buddy system while showering.

Shopping buddy

 The battle of the dirt continues

This girl loves her pickles...

and her Parent's shoes

Mommy's make the best chairs

Trying out "walking shoes," she is a fan.

Friday, September 16, 2016

49 weeks

This week we traveled to Santa Rosa to visit Aunt Cami, Taylor, and Reese.  We had a fabulous time!  Taylor and Reese are such wonderful big cousins.  They both love to help Rylan walk, eat, get dressed, and play.  I hope the continue this special relationship the rest of their lives.
Eating a chicken wing.  I guess she's ours!
Watching the game in the playroom - Rylan's orders
"I'm coming with you!"
Our first car ride may have been a little overwhelming

Teaching Rylan how to play

Aunt Cami bought Rylan and extra special dessert at lunch
Our morning walk! Reminds me of walking Tay in OB.

Bathtime took some getting used to

Rylan LOVES Beautrice
A sucker at lunch, Aunt Cami's spoiling game is strong!
Thank you for my cute outfit!!
Those Otto's are a crazy bunch!

Friday, September 9, 2016

11 months

Our last month with a baby!!!  Next month, toddler!  This has been the most exciting and exhausting year of my life.  I wouldn't change a second of it.  I can't wait to see what the future has in store for this amazing little girl who can now WALK, talk, and has 6 teeth!
These monthly family photos warm my heart

Checking out the beach with Dad

Looking very mature for 11 months

Rooney always thinks we want him in the picture

I could use some work on my "selfie" skill

These two make all the sleepless nights worth it