Friday, February 12, 2016

18 weeks

Rylan had a great week!  She tried some new foods, went on a walk in Mom's old "hood" and had her 4 month appointment.  She is growing like a weed!  She has more than doubled her birth weight and added 6 inches to her height!

Rylan is ready for some football!  We were passed out by 8pm on Super Bowl sunday and, for once, it wasn't from mimosas.

Still my happy girl even after shots

Valentine's Party at Stroller Strides

Morning walk in the Marina

Rocking some hand me downs

Rylan's new favorite thing is to show me her belly

Perfecting her belly pose

AND because she owes me for so many reasons, she agreed to a lime/cutie taste test.  

Clearly she was put on this planet for my entertainment

We celebrated Ash Wednesday with Rylan's "Fairy" Godmother.  Rylan was surprisingly good during the entire mass.

Suns out, guns out!  Nothing like winter in San Diego.

She obviously prefers mangos to limes

She also found her feet.  She LOVES them and grabs them every chance she gets!

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