Friday, February 26, 2016

20 weeks

I grew up in a household where birthdays were, and still are, a big deal.  Every birthday that I can remember, my parents made sure I felt like the center of the universe.  I often think back to the time my Mom drove vegetarian chili and seven layer bar to Fresno because I had to work on my birthday, heaven forbid.  It is truly a blessing that I managed to find a husband that also goes out of his way to make a huge deal out of a silly day.  Unfortunately for me, Rylan, doesn't hold the same sentiment.  True to form, she decided February 21, like every other day of the year, is all about her.  Nothing makes you realize the insignificance of your birthday like spending it with a 4 month old.  

Naked Baby = Tired Mom

Rylan loves talking on her "cell" from Nana

That little smile is the best birthday present anyone could ask for

Rylan even let me celebrate my birthday with donuts and beer

You can never have too many friends (she doesn't get this from me)

Chilling on the front porch

"Oh hey Mom..."

Fighting sleep is hard work

She always wakes up for Stroller Strides.  Heaven forbid she misses something.

One way to get to know your Stroller Stride friends better is to get nakey at play group

Still loving those feet

We shopped til she dropped

She never stops talking

Shopping for necessities at BevMo

Happy Birthday Connor!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful, happy, chatty baby to bring a life time of joy to her mom and dad (and countless other people who will come into her life). Rylan is obviously the "life of the party" for her parents.
