Friday, February 19, 2016

19 weeks

Another fun week in the books!  We celebrated Valentine's Day as a family of THREE!  There are no words to describe the extra love we feel every day since Rylan has joined the world.  That being said, her Dad has decided we aren't going out to eat with her ever again.  So we will just have to enjoy the extra love over take out from now on.

My sweet, determined girl has figured out how to escape

Its important to get as close to your cell phone as possible when "talking"

Staying in didn't stop us from celebrating!  Dad sent his two girls very special flowers from our wedding florist, Grandma sent us delicious champagne and I perfected my oyster shuck.  It was a day worthing of a Michelin star.

Rylan's first Valentine's Day outfit.  By first I mean her first of the day, this picture was taken while she was pooping up her back.

This girl is on the cusp of crawling

Still working on her escape plan

Hipster baby

Ready for Stroller Strides

Too tired for pants

1 comment:

  1. is there no end to Rylan's energy. "It takes a village . . .," may take on a new meaning, when young, Miss McCartney is unleashed on the world.
