Friday, March 11, 2016

22 weeks

This week Rylan took Dad to the zoo.  Enjoyed brunch at The Hills.  Stayed in on a Rainy Monday and played in the park.  Rylan is a busy girl these days and she wouldn't have it any other way!

Dad dressed Rylan for the zoo.  Complete with sparkly shoes from Aunt Lila.

Breakfast picnic with Dad

Rylan has so much fun during our breakfast picnic, she slept through most of the zoo.

We are so happy to have Uncle Warren and Aunt Maureen in the "hood"

LOVE-ing her new sweatshirt from Aunt Cam!

Everyone agreed, staying in on a rainy Monday is a must

Mom is not nearly as funny as Rylan thinks she is

Posing in her poodle outfit from Tio Matt and Tia Romina

Good to the last drop

Catching some rays while Mom waters the plants

There is something very nostalgic for me about pulling her shirt over her head.  I dare say, I enjoy it more than she does.

Still LOVES her beautiful, pink dog

Diva in the making

Rylan and I observed Lent by going to Point Loma Seafood for clam chowder

Pop has been working very hard lately.  Rylan passed out, sitting up, waiting for her Dad.  Mom almost did the same.

1 comment:

  1. Rylan has a spectacularly special smile. It is like the smile her mom had about the same age. And, Rylan sure looks like a Diva in the making. It is a good thing her parents are spoiling her. (Because he aunts and uncles sure are.)
