Friday, March 18, 2016

23 weeks

Every week I spend with Rylan is special but this week was EXTRA special because Grandma and Nana came to visit!  We had so much fun eating, getting my hair cut (THANK YOU Grandma!!) and celebrating St. Patrick's Day!

Tio Matt and Tia Romina do rock!

Aunt Maureen met us for beers at our local brewery.  We are so happy she lives right down the street from us now!

Rylan worked on her bouncing skills at Uncle Warren and Aunt Maureen's

She greeted Grandma and Nana with smiles

She loves Grandma's phone already

We shopped til she dropped

Aunt Shar even made time to visit!!

Grandma and Nana had to make a pit stop coming up the hill

Grandma bought Rylan baby "cookies" which she loved

This is what happens when Mom and Grandma take oyster shots at lunch

Grandma is so funny

Great Maple... again

My little leprechaun 

Chatting with Nana

Eating dinner with Grandma

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

The Grandparent "hangover" was strong after Grandma and Nana left

1 comment:

  1. It is obvious from these pictures that Rylan is a tremendous source of happiness for everyone she meets.
