Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter Weekend

We had a wonderful Easter in the Central Valley.  We played badminton, colored eggs, had Nana and Papa down for dinner and made some wonderful memories.  Rylan is so lucky to have such fun Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins and Great Grandparents!

The last hour of our drive was a little rough.  If I ever sing the Itsy Bitsy Spider again, it will be too soon.

Everyone was REALLY excited to see Uncle Sean

Reese made a choke hazard... err I mean bracelet for her favorite cousin

We love spending time with Grandma

Reese "sharing" her mom with Rylan

Rylan's first bath sitting up! She was not impressed.

The Easter Bunny didn't forget about this little girl

Cousin love

Coloring eggs

Papa's lap is a hot commodity 

Happy Easter

Our drive home included a screaming baby, traffic, and a major diaper blow out, which resulted in Easter brunch at Red Lobster in Valencia....

and it was absolutely perfect.

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