Friday, July 15, 2016

40 weeks

Although it feels like we've turned the corner on teething our sleep has yet to return to normal.  My somewhat decent sleeper has totally regressed and now thinks its acceptable to wake up every two hours or so and will only sleep in Dad and Mom's bed.  Zzzzzzzzz

F U teething

Sometimes she takes her Tylenol willing, sometimes she looks like this

He is as big as a horse

East County pool toys

Taste testing Aunt Maureen's homemade ice-cream 

Ready for adventures with Mom

Making beautiful music while Mom makes dinner

Testing out a few of her new teeth

Macaroni monster

One life lesson I will try to impart on Rylan is to pay careful attention to her potential suitors' baby book.  While dating, you may find it amusing when every other picture your potential mate's mother shows you is a small child that is clearly in to EVERYTHING, however, genetics are not something to be laughed at. 

Her very own remote.  It's entertainment value expired about 5 minutes after this picture was taken.

Hogging the friendship drums in music class

Friday night tunes with Pop

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