We had such a fun week filled with play dates, Auntie Lila dates, music class and FAMILY! Rylan is getting more and more curious every week, making Mommy's life more and more challenging! Bring it on!!

She adores playing "horsey" with Pop

Rocking some serious bed head

One of the first pictures of her toothy grin

Blow drying hair straight up is Grandma's favorite family tradition

My chic little park date

Having fun with bestie Caitlin

Toilet paper is my saving grace when I need to get ready

So grateful for Rylan's special Auntie Lila! Not only is she wonderful to Rylan, she is also such a huge help. Today she took time out of her summer vaca to watch Ry during my appointment.

We took Aunt Lila to sushi after to say thank you

Rocking a denim skirt from cousin Reese! Rylan didn't like the way it inhibited her walking so we took it off shortly after this picture. Its important to have opinions.

A few months ago Pop had the chance to fly on a B-17. He surprised everyone with matching shirts for Father's Day. It was so nice to get a picture of 3 out of 4 of the guys in their shirts!

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