Friday, January 15, 2016

14 weeks

Another week in the books.  This girl definitely keeps me on my toes!

Still working that tongue 

She decided she hates nap this week

Always multitasking

Zoned out to Mickey

Sometimes making it until bath time is an accomplishment worthy of a glass of wine in my special glass

Working on tummy time 

Rylan got dressed up for happy hour with Laura and Caitlin. This outfit didn't actually make it to dinner but I snapped a few good pics before she ruined it.

Showing off her surprised look

I swear she isn't as judgmental as she appears


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What wonderful pictures. It is amazing how much personality pops out of a few pictures of a very precocious 14 weeks (not months) old daughter of Ashley. (Grandma told me 14 months is not 14 weeks. Bad Grandpa.)

  3. Cutest little girl I've ever seen! Love Rylan's blog.
