Friday, January 22, 2016

15 weeks

On Monday, Rylan and I packed our bags and headed to the Central Valley to visit the Grandparents.  Rylan and Sean both handled it pretty well.

We pulled out the high chair prior to leaving.  She loves being part of the action.

Rylan thinks her Dad is the funniest person she's ever met.  One (of many) things Rylan and I have in common.

We stopped at the bottom of the Grapevine for coffee and "milk", she's always happiest when she gets her way.

Rylan has gotten the memo that Grandma's iPad is the BEST.  Thank you, Taylor and Reese.

Loves her bath at Grandma and Papa's house too!

Spending some QT with Nana

FaceTime with Dad

Chatting with Grandma C in Bakersfield!  Rylan loved making meals freezer meals for Cousin Lulu's big arrival!!

We stopped in Irvin on the way home for coffee and "milk", I'm starting to see a trend.

AND happy to be home!

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