Rylan is 13 weeks today! She loves smiling, grabbing and watching Mickey Mouse. We've quickly discovered being good parents comes second to surviving the day. So Mickey Mouse Clubhouse it is.
We started off the week with a hike!
Which was clearly exhausting.
She loves sitting in her chair and playing with her learning cube from Uncle Austin and Aunt Cameron!
Rylan had a chance to visit Baby Caitlin this week. It's hard to believe that three short months ago Rylan was that small!
Miss attitude is going through a little phase where she only wants to chat with mom.
A perfect picture of Rylan perfecting her grab. I watched her work on it for 15 minutes. You would have thought she graduated from Stanford by the way I cheered when she finally grabbed that pink ball.
All dressed up for a sushi date with Dad!
Either that pup is getting smaller or my girl is getting bigger!
No better way to end the very full week!
I don't know if I should share with Rylan that her mom was every bit as focused, strong willed and opinionated as she is. (Correction: verb tense is incorrect. Her mom still is all of those things, which makes her very special.)