Friday, April 15, 2016

27 weeks

We started our week with Grandparents in Bakersfield and ended our week with Visalia Grandparents in San Diego!  Any time your week is a Grandparent Sandwich you are sure to have a good time! 

Lucky for Rylan she can watch Mickey in San Diego or Bakersfield

Playing with Grandpa

Puppy love

"Hi Uncle Sean, I'm new here"


6 month doctor's appointment - Our girl is weighing in at 16lbs 13.5oz and is 26 inches long

Enjoying happy hour on top of the hill

Sometimes a girl just needs a snuggle.  I'm not sure if that girl is Rylan or Mom.

All of the sudden crawling looks imminent 

Looking a little too old for Mom's liking

Grilling with Pop

Sporting a cute new outfit from Grandma and Papa

Welcome to La Mesa Grandma and Papa! We missed you!!

Playing with Papa on the Bo Beau bus while Mom and Dad finished dinner.  Rylan LOVED the big kids running around.

She was so tired from all of the stimulation she passed out cold before bath

1 comment:

  1. Rylan gives everyone around her a tremendous sense of happiness and love. None know this better than her mom and dad.
