Friday, April 29, 2016

29 weeks

This week Rylan started music class!  It was so fun watching her interact with the other babies.  She loved playing with the instruments, "talking" to the other children and soaking it all in.  Its amazing how evident children's personalities are at such an early age.  Rylan is sweet, playful and a little reserved compared to some of the other babies.  Obviously it is because she's a genius. 

Happy hour at the top of the hill is fun for everyone

She sure loves to eat

This chair always reminds me of the condo at Smart Corner

It may be time to start strapping her in

Attempting to get all three children to look at me for a picture made me realize those National Geographic photographers have NOTHING on the Picture People 

This is what happens when you refuse to nap

Finally embracing the new bath set up

Shopping at Lowes for some plants

We started music class this week! Rylan loved it!  

We celebrated Ian's birthday at the Kotchin's home!  Ian and LoHoma have a little girl named Anne.  Rylan was so excited to play with Anne.  Anne was very sweet to Rylan, bringing her toys, telling her about all the cars and giving her tickles.  

Appeasing Mom with a big smile

Rylan has a little school bus with three little dolls.  One of the little dolls has adorable brown hair and big brown eyes.  We call this doll Prima Lucia.  It is Rylan's favorite!

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