Saturday, April 9, 2016

6 months

My sweet baby is 6 months old!  I can't believe it!  She loves sitting up, trying new foods, reading books, music, "talking" and making Mom laugh.  Her personality becomes more and more apparent with each passing day, and I say this as her completely unbiased Mother, she is the sweetest, most out going 6 month old I've ever met.
All dressed up for her beach pics

Rocking her first pair of sandals from Grandma

EVERYONE looking at Mom!  This is an accomplishment!

Coordination is a sign of sleeping through the night

1 comment:

  1. Six months in the blink of an eye. Turn around and this precious little girl will six years old. Every minute of time with your child is a blessing. Ashley and Sean certainly appreciate every second of time with their "bundle of joy." And, it is sure nice that they share these moments through these pictures.
