Friday, May 13, 2016

31 weeks

This week we celebrated my very first Mother's Day!  Sean, Rylan and many others made sure I felt very special all WEEKEND long!  I don't think I washed a dish from Thursday to Monday.  I'm already counting down the days 'til next Mother's Day WEEKEND!

They say that waking up is hard to do

Mother's Day lunch at South Beach Grill

Family walk on the OB pier

Rylan and I spotted WHALES!

I was nice enough to share my Mother's Day ribeye with my favorite girl

There are so many things about having a child that make me love and appreciate my parents a million times more than I thought possible.  Putting her in the sink to dry her hair is one of those things.

Mother's Day bacon.  Rylan is definitely a carnivore. 

This girl even makes laundry fun

Enjoying Sally's with Aunt Ker one last time

Rylan got a new doll in the mail from Grandma!  She's in love!

I am both proud and sad when she insists on feeding herself

She always has somewhere to go

She sleeps so well in Dad and Mom's bed

She absolutely refused to smile for the picture people.  Clearly she was saving her smile for the couch.

Getting stuck is one of the many hazards associated with only crawling backwards

Looking "healthy"

Time to retire the bouncer or audition for the Matrix

We like to wear stripes to music class

Nothing gets a Mother's heart racing like hearing the baby mobile turn on and then looking in the video monitor and not seeing a baby.  Rylan learned how to play her mobile and wedge herself underneath the camera all in one day.

I don't know if you are aware, but Costco has the BEST fans

Today, we walked to Farmer's Market. Steve the Farmer thought Rylan was so sweet he gave her a passion fruit and an avocado.  She loved both.

1 comment:

  1. What great pictures of a great little girl and her mom and dad. What great pictures of life at the McCartneys. What great pictures of Mother's Day. Where are the pictures from "Mother Maker Day"?
