Friday, May 6, 2016

30 weeks

We were so happy to have Pop home for Rylan's 30 week birthday!  It always fun to take a random work day off and this was no exception!

Morning coffee and playtime

Ready for Draft Weekend and lunch with Pop

No technology before two in our house

Perfecting her backwards crawl

Playing with her Lucia doll

She used to reserve this smile for Mom, now only Callie (not pictured) gets this kind of love

My little shopping buddy

Rylan approves of broccoli

She loves to play with her pink bus

Two cookies are better than one

We recently read an article that said doing one weekend like thing every weekday increases your happiness.  So this particular weekday morning, we got up and walked to Starbucks.  It definitely helped start my day off on the right foot!!

FOMO - Fear Of Missing Out

Happy Cinco de Mayo!  Grandma bought Rylan this little dress in Mexico before Rylan was even born.  It is so fun to watch her grow into things!

Crazy hair, don't care!


  1. Great pictures. What a happy little girl. Does she ever not smile for the camera? Her parents are so lucky to have an ever so happy, smiling, charming, "scene stealing" bundle of perfection. (Rylan is just like her mom.)

  2. Love that sweet smiling face!!
