Friday, June 24, 2016

37 weeks

Rylan is so lucky to have lots and lots of baby friends!  This week we enjoyed a visit from Phil, Rylan's east coast buddy, and had a chance to celebrate Baby Caitlin's bapstim in OB!  The baptism was extra special for our family for three reasons: Caitlin was baptized at the same church as Rylan, she wore Laura's wedding dress that Nana turned into a baptism dress, and we were asked to be the Godparents.  It was a very fun and HOT weekend.

Rylan and Phil enjoying a little screen time

Caitlin's Baptism

My sweet little family of three

Rylan is always hot!  That is one trait she definitely gets from me!

We were so hot this week, we went out and bought a kiddie pool for the "make out" spot

We do whatever is takes to finish dinner these days

One of my favorite times of day is story time.  Whenever Rylan wakes up from a nap I try to take a few minutes and read her a story or two.  No matter how many things I think I have to get done, story time helps me pause and remember what my day is really about.  

The refocus of story time help with the addition 23 hours and 53 minutes of the day

She is soooo ready to let go!!

My little helper draws a lot of attention at the grocery store

You fight that nap girl...

Friday, June 17, 2016

36 weeks

We had such a fun week celebrating the two littlest Otto's in Santa Rosa!  Taylor and Reese are such loving, caring, fun cousins!  We were so happy to spend time with them and celebrate another trip around the sun!

Rylan's first cable car ride!

They must be cousins

Rylan loves her Prima Ballarina

Sharing Uncle Sean's lap

Reese was so sweet to Rylan.  She shared her dolls and taught her how to play with her dinosaur.  Rylan is so lucky to have a big cousin!

Ready for the pool party

Thanks for the gummy worm Aunt Cami

Papa is the silliest!

Checking out Nana's new condo!  We can't wait until she is our neighbor!!

Watermelon monster

Rylan "graduate" from music class!  I'm so proud of my little musician!  She truly has come a long way

Begging for Mom's watermelon

Rylan's newest hobby

Family and friend walk with Uncle Warren and James

And that's a wrap

Friday, June 10, 2016

35 weeks

This week we had several fun adventures!  Rylan, Kerry, and I rode the trolley downtown to see Auntie Lila run her first marathon!  We are so very proud of her!  Marathons hold a special place in my heart and watching a friend run the Rock N Roll with Rylan made for a very special day and brought back a lot of memories.  

We also took Rylan on her very first plane ride!  We braved the hour and a half flight to San Francisco so that we could celebrate Reese and Taylor's birthday!  We had a wonderful time in San Francisco and Santa Rose.  Birthday pictures to follow in week 36.

Checking out her new table from Grandma and Papa

It gets the Rylan smile of approval

First trolley ride with Kerry to see Auntie Lila run her first marathon

Congrats Auntie Lila!! We are so proud of you!!

Post run party at Auntie Lila's 

Trying to get as close as possible

There is nothing like a cold slice of watermelon to sooth your achey gums

Looking very cheerful in her new outfit from Nana

Rylan and I had a "ball" at the park

I think I will frame this picture for Rylan when she turns 13.  Hopefully it will serve as a reminder, on the off chance she has a strong willed moment, that she gets it from me.  Mom will always win, even if it takes all day.

At the airport checking in for Rylan's very first flight

We survived!!

We celebrated with oyster's at Hog Island! Rylan loved the bread as much as Grandma does

Pop headed out to meet some old friends, so Rylan and I decided to party in the hotel room!  Pop missed out on a good time!

Oh hey girl...

Kiss goodnight for her new bestie

Thursday, June 9, 2016

8 months

This sweet girl is 8 months old and into EVERYTHING!! She loves trying new foods, her animals, ready books and finding all the dangerous things in the house.  She has started crawling and signing!  Her favorite signs are dog and all done.  She is also on the verge of standing which makes Mom very nervous, excited, and tired all at the same time.

Unfortunately, life happened this month and we weren't able to do a family beach day, so Rylan and I stopped by OB on our way to sign language and snapped a few pictures.  As you can see from the pictures, she was not very happy that Dad wasn't there.

It was all fun and games until I put her down

Missing Dad

Well if you aren't going to pick me up, I will just have to come to you -Rylan

A little cuddle after our traumatic photo shoot

Friday, June 3, 2016

34 weeks

My baby is crawling!  I can hardly believe it!  She is so happy to have the freedom to explore all of the fun, non baby friendly things she has been eyeing for the last 7+ months.  Apparently the cat scratcher was first on the list, followed by every electrical outlet in the house.  Time to baby proof!

We had a ball at Kerry's going away party

Rylan enjoyed all of the photo both props

Ready for another day at Liberty Public Market.  Mom has an addiction...

Rylan loves pickles! Shocking.

Happy Memorial Day!

Practicing crawling

Now that she is on the move, I've had to come up with creative ways to contain her while I shower.

Helping Mom pack up clothes for Baby Lulu

I never thought my resume would contain - ability to quarter blue berries quickly and precisely 

Still cute even with bed head

Farmer's Market with Aunt Maureen and Uncle Warren