Thursday, June 9, 2016

8 months

This sweet girl is 8 months old and into EVERYTHING!! She loves trying new foods, her animals, ready books and finding all the dangerous things in the house.  She has started crawling and signing!  Her favorite signs are dog and all done.  She is also on the verge of standing which makes Mom very nervous, excited, and tired all at the same time.

Unfortunately, life happened this month and we weren't able to do a family beach day, so Rylan and I stopped by OB on our way to sign language and snapped a few pictures.  As you can see from the pictures, she was not very happy that Dad wasn't there.

It was all fun and games until I put her down

Missing Dad

Well if you aren't going to pick me up, I will just have to come to you -Rylan

A little cuddle after our traumatic photo shoot

1 comment:

  1. Some moms take longer to learn, "Toddlers Rule" than other moms.
