Friday, June 3, 2016

34 weeks

My baby is crawling!  I can hardly believe it!  She is so happy to have the freedom to explore all of the fun, non baby friendly things she has been eyeing for the last 7+ months.  Apparently the cat scratcher was first on the list, followed by every electrical outlet in the house.  Time to baby proof!

We had a ball at Kerry's going away party

Rylan enjoyed all of the photo both props

Ready for another day at Liberty Public Market.  Mom has an addiction...

Rylan loves pickles! Shocking.

Happy Memorial Day!

Practicing crawling

Now that she is on the move, I've had to come up with creative ways to contain her while I shower.

Helping Mom pack up clothes for Baby Lulu

I never thought my resume would contain - ability to quarter blue berries quickly and precisely 

Still cute even with bed head

Farmer's Market with Aunt Maureen and Uncle Warren

1 comment:

  1. What wonderful, exciting pictures of baby Rylan growing up. However, her mom should be advised (spoiler alert): "baby proofing" the house is nothing compared to "baby proofing" your precious daughters from the "boys" of the world and other "dangerous things."
