Friday, June 10, 2016

35 weeks

This week we had several fun adventures!  Rylan, Kerry, and I rode the trolley downtown to see Auntie Lila run her first marathon!  We are so very proud of her!  Marathons hold a special place in my heart and watching a friend run the Rock N Roll with Rylan made for a very special day and brought back a lot of memories.  

We also took Rylan on her very first plane ride!  We braved the hour and a half flight to San Francisco so that we could celebrate Reese and Taylor's birthday!  We had a wonderful time in San Francisco and Santa Rose.  Birthday pictures to follow in week 36.

Checking out her new table from Grandma and Papa

It gets the Rylan smile of approval

First trolley ride with Kerry to see Auntie Lila run her first marathon

Congrats Auntie Lila!! We are so proud of you!!

Post run party at Auntie Lila's 

Trying to get as close as possible

There is nothing like a cold slice of watermelon to sooth your achey gums

Looking very cheerful in her new outfit from Nana

Rylan and I had a "ball" at the park

I think I will frame this picture for Rylan when she turns 13.  Hopefully it will serve as a reminder, on the off chance she has a strong willed moment, that she gets it from me.  Mom will always win, even if it takes all day.

At the airport checking in for Rylan's very first flight

We survived!!

We celebrated with oyster's at Hog Island! Rylan loved the bread as much as Grandma does

Pop headed out to meet some old friends, so Rylan and I decided to party in the hotel room!  Pop missed out on a good time!

Oh hey girl...

Kiss goodnight for her new bestie

1 comment:

  1. Like daughter, like momma, who was a little less opinionated and stubborn.
